Boy Chanel's chain shoulder wallet, which gives off a cool and fresh charm, has arrived from Chanel! A convenient Boy Chanel that can be worn diagonally! There are a zippered pocket and card slots inside, so you don't need a wallet! The minimum necessary items, such as mobile phone and handkerchief, can be stored perfectly. The classic black leather and matte gold metal fittings create an elegant look and you can use it both casually and formally. The grained calf is scratch resistant and inconspicuous, so you can use it without hesitation. Don't miss this opportunity! Color:Noir (Black) Material:Graind Calf(Caviarskin) Size:W:19cm H:12cm D:4.5cm Shoulder:125cm Buckle:Mat Gold HW Accessories:storage bags、Serial random (production after 2021)、* The card is not included because it is a new type of IC chip embedded type guarantee. Specification: [Outer pocket]Interior zip pocket x 1 [Inner pocket]Open pocket x 3、Card pocket x 8、Interior zip pocket x 1 Additional info: 2022年 秋冬AP2464 Product Condition: EXCELLENT SKU:23092507
Product Details:
*Inside push trace